Quote of the Day
December 26, 2008
December 21, 2008
The Nana Letters - Foreward
December 19, 2008
The Nana Letters - April 2008
SIDENOTE: My grandmother moved to a little town next to Burns Oregon about 3-4 years ago. She wanted to be close to my Crazy Aunt Berta - who is a traveling nurse and nana was convinced that my sister Kellie had stolen her car and was trying to steal her money from her bank account. When nana first moved to Oregon, she lived with Crazy Berta and Berta's husband Dave. Since Berta was out of the state for long periods of time, my nana thought that the neighbors would be suspicious that she (93 years old then) and Berta's husband Dave (in his 60's) were fooling around. She didn't want them to get the wrong idea, so she moved in to her own apartment, where she lived alone. One day, she fell in the bathroom, landing between the toilet and the shower. She managed to pull herself out to her bedroom, where she spent 3 days on the floor, unable to get up or call for help, locked inside her apartment. When the manager noticed that she hadn't been picking up her mail, he went to check on her. Lord only knows why he didn't have a spare key - guess he didn't need one since he had a kid he could throw through the window! After spending some time in the hospital for a bruised hip and a possible stroke, Social Services was called in and told her she could NOT live on her own anymore. She moved back in with Berta for a couple weeks and then found a private elderly boarding care home where she has been ever since.
My sister never stole my grandmothers car. In fact, I'm the one who spent 6 hours one Saturday afternoon during her 92nd year convincing her that it was time to give up her car keys. She has gout, which besides the pain, also causes her right foot to go numb. She also had a bad habit of disappearing on us for days at a time. One time, while she was living in San Diego, she went to the bank to get some money and never came home again. My aunt Oma's daughter called and said she was missing. We called the police and my sister Kim in Texas who's in the police department. They had to put out an APB on her. We found my grandmother 3 days later, taking a nap at a rest stop on her way to Oregon. (she was going to give Roberta her car and some money) Independence is a hard thing to give up and she didn't go down without a fight. When she finally surrendered her keys to me, I drove the car over to my sisters house before nana could change her mind. I'll explain the bank account stuff in another post.
December 18, 2008
The Nana Letters - undated
SIDENOTE: My grandmother had sent my sister a deposit slip from her checkbook - not a check - and told my sister to just use that to get the money from her US Bank account to my sisters Bank of American account. Nana thought my sister just didn't know what she was doing. Kellie wasn't upset, just frustrated trying to get nana to understand how the bank system works.
Nana Letters 12-18-2008
December 15, 2008
The Nana Letters 9-06
December 14, 2008
The Nana Letters - Jul 2003
December 13, 2008
The Nana Letters - 1-2-2008
December 12, 2008
The Nana Letters - Feb 2008
December 7, 2008
The Nana Letters - 8-16-07
December 1, 2008
The Nana Letters - 9-15-07
November 14, 2008
The Nana Letters - 11-14-08
November 1, 2008
Extraodinary Visions
October 1, 2008
September 27, 2008
You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that.
Charlotte, "Charlotte's Web"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.Elizabeth Folley
"Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends."
~ Richard Bach
I knew this day would come
September 21, 2008
Her hardest hue to hold
Her early leaf's a flower,
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So eden sank to grief.
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Robert Frost
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.
Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." -- Oscar Wilde
"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living." -- Cicero
September 13, 2008
September 9, 2008
Robbie Dadasovich
Rob Dadasovich was one of my best friends in high school. We met in a world history class. Robbie sat in front of me and spent most of our class time trying to convince me that I should dump my boyfriend and go out with him. Caving in to the pressure and during one of those "breaks" that I had with my boyfriend, I agreed to go out with Rob to the movies. He took me on the most memorable date of my life. Honestly... that is no exaggeration.
The Date...
Rob came to pick me up, but realized he hadn't cashed his paycheck yet. So before we could go to the movies, we had to go to his house and borrow money from his stepdad. Ginny, his mom, gave him such a teasing for that! After borrowing money, we went to the movies and ran in to my boyfriends best friend, right at the moment that Robbie decided to try and hold my hand. Rob decided we needed to go somewhere to "talk" and drove us over to our high school baseball field. He conveniently had a blanket in his car, which he laid neatly over by second base (hoping to reach it most likely!). We laid there under the stars, staring up at the night sky in a city that seemed to small to hold our big dreams, and talked while he held my hand nervously. Right when we started to forget how rocky the night had started, the sprinklers came on sending us running towards the car. As we neared the parking lot, we saw the lights of a police car pulling up to his car, his bright search beam scanning the field for teenagers out past curfew. Like an old pro at evading the police, Rob pushed me under the bleachers where we hid until the cop gave up and drove away. You would think that he would have taken all of this as signs that we weren't meant to be together, but he remained steadfast and undeterred, bravely inviting himself in to my house to again "talk" for awhile. I have to admit, that his kiss caught me off guard. However, not quite as offguard as when my boyfriend showed up at my front door with Rob still sitting on my living room couch. We didn't date again after that, not that Rob didn't try though, he never really gave up the quest. We had an amazing connection, but I felt we were better off as friends. It crushed him I know, but I just couldn't get over one small issue. Robbie was an inexperienced kisser. I had been with my boyfriend for a while and had a little more practice. He used to beg me to "teach" him, but I couldn't get past the initial quick hard probbing that left me feeling like my tongue had been in a sparing match.
We didn't need the kisses to be close though. You know... I don't think my mom is aware that 23 years ago, after she left for work, every summer morning after Rob's waterpolo practice, he would come over to my house and crawl into bed with me and we would sleep. Embraced in each others arms. Me in my t-shirt and panties and him in his tighty whities. Shocking as it sounds, it was so innocent. There was no kissing or romantic privileges, just a quiet connection.
Even after high school, when many of our friends had drifted away, starting out on their new journey, we stayed connected. We spent time together, but nothing like those two summers of our Junior and Senior year. We graduated in 1985. We saw each other 2-3 times a week. He gave up on having me as his girlfriend and met a sweet girl who he started dating. I worked for a Round Table Pizza restaurant and he would come by with his friends to say hi and try and get some free pizza. He came by two nights before the last time I would ever see him.
I remember the day my world changed forever so vividly. As I recall the moment, I can still feel the odd sensation that my chest was tightening - slowly breaking my heart into a million little pieces. The day started off as normal. I was rushing around my apartment trying to get ready for work when my younger sister stops by unannounced. She said she had something serious to talk about and asked me to sit down. My mind immediately raced to my mom who has had a few cancer scares. She tells me that our mother is fine. Then she said "Krissy, Robbie is gone. He died last night."
I stared at my sister with disbelief and heartache. I heard the words she was saying, but I couldn't understand them. Was she telling me that Rob was gone? I had just talked to him two days before, how could he be gone? She told me that Rob had gone fishing with our friend Randy and they decided to drive home late instead of camping out in their car. Rob was driving. Randy, who was drfting in and out of sleep, woke up for a brief moment to click his seatbelt on. Robbie didn't have his on. Rob fell asleep at the wheel and they slammed in to a telephone pole. Robbie died instantly on impact. Randy walked away with some broken ribs and scratches.
I just kept hearing the same words over and over, "Robbie's gone". I didn't know what to do. This was one of my dearest closest friends. I cried softly for a very brief moment and they I stood up and went to work. I think I went to work because I needed some normalcy. Something to keep me distracted from my own thoughts. My general manager, who was like a father figure to me, asked me to come over and sit with him. He knew something was wrong, but didn't know what. I did with him what I couldn't do with my little sister. I let me guard down and my tears fall.
September 5, 2008
And then there are those who use their careers to promote change." Sarah Palin
September 3, 2008
another sleepless night
August 23, 2008
Amanda Utah- Wyoming Trip 2008
August 17, 2008

You seem to be caught under a spell
What are the answers you're wishing to find
Do you know how beautiful I think you are
How I have been blessed from heaven above
You shine as bright as the northern star
You bring joy to my day and hope in the night
I want to begin and end each one with you near
Goodnight my cuddle-queen, goodnight
I love you billions and billions and billions
August 11, 2008
When the Dark Wakes Up
and said "Now I lay me down to sleep",
but my toes were to wiggly to go to sleep yet
so I asked my mommy if I could play with my jet.
She said, "In the morning, when the daylight comes,
you can play with your jet, your trucks, and your drums."
Then she pulled the covers way up to my chin
and said "Now close your eyes and let sweet dreams begin."
As soon as she left, I hopped to the floor
Only to find my mother's eyes staring back through my door.
She said, "Young man, get on back to your room
and do it quickly before you wake up the moon."
"If the dark wakes up," she whispered to me,
"he'll be much too tired to set the day free."
She bent in closely and kissed my head,
then helped me get settled back into bed.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep at last,
in hopes that the dark would fade away fast.
In the morning, when daylight came,
it called to me to come play a new game.
But I was too tired from staying up late.
This time the daylight would have to wait.
So I pulled the covers back up to my chin
and prayed the dark would come back again.
Written for Nick and Dan when they were 3 yrs. old
August 8, 2008
Sleepless Dreamer
August 7, 2008
Breathe - For Lauren
They say breathing should come naturally
Yet I find myself gasping for air
These walls closing in all around me
Sometimes I’m afraid I’ll disappear
I know my reality is not so desperate
Still… my heart finds trouble beating
My pulse yearns for the rhythm of our love song
But the chorus has become self-defeating
In an effort to keep you near to me
I pretend it is easy to just be your friend
My heart, it seems, does not like being deceived
And refuses to allow me to mend
My mind is quietly whispering
What my heart wishes not to hear
Somehow I must learn to breathe
Without you as my source for air
I pray that I’ll be strong enough
To move forward into a new day
To learn to exist with you as just my friend
Or find the courage to walk away
As I stand in the echoes of my emptiness
I know I am not left to walk alone
The struggle is hearing their voices above yours
And the love that keeps calling me home
I’ll put one foot in front of the other
Take one breath in for each breath out
Each effort rewarded by finding myself
And learning what I’m all about
When the walls start closing in again
And my heart takes a moment to grieve
I’ll reach out to those that love me
And keep finding a way to breathe
One breath in for each breath out
Yes… all I have to do is breathe
August 6, 2008
August 3, 2008

August 2, 2008
The Girl Who Faded Away - a short fictional story by me

I didn’t know this girl we are writing about very well. Well, actually, I went to school with her since preschool, but, I mean, I never really knew her. Our English teacher, Mr. Segal, told us about her though; about how she slowly faded away. Her name was Michelle Roberta Anderson. Michelle was sixteen and went to Monrovia High School. She wasn’t into brand names and designer jeans like all the other kids. Instead, she always wore a red sweat jacket with holes in the elbows and blue jeans that didn’t get washed very often. When kids at school walked by her, she kept her eyes focused on the ground and prayed quietly to herself that they wouldn’t tease her again. She told herself that if she prayed hard enough, one day she would just fade away and never have to face these kids again.
Ever since Michelle was in Kindergarten, she was known as an outsider. She was quite, shy, and kept to herself all of the time. I mean, she must have been a total loner, because I would have noticed her… wouldn’t I have? Why didn’t she even try to make friends? Anyway, as she grew older, she seemed to distance herself more and more. During class breaks and lunchtime, Michelle would sit by herself under the shade of an old oak tree, writing in a book, which must have been her journal. She would write in that book for hours sometimes, pouring out her heart and soul, as if it were her only lifeline and her one true friend.
Michelle must have gotten sick a lot, because she missed a lot of school. Sometimes she wouldn’t come to school for days, but when she finally returned, she would be wearing that same red sweater and old blue jeans. One of my friends said they heard she was just being rebellious against her parents. That she was one of those rich kids that had everything, but she refused to wear the clothes her parents bought her. I thought that was just crazy. Could someone hate their parents so much that they would walk through life, day after day, wearing the same ugly clothes?
Sometime in the middle of our Junior year, Michelle started missing school more and more, until eventually, she stopped coming at all. It took a while before anyone noticed. Her teachers were encouraged by the school district to mark everyone in attendance so they would get the money for each student, so they never really took a real roll count. So even though they should have noticed she wasn’t there, it didn’t seem to make a difference. Michelle didn’t have any friends so there wasn’t anyone to report her absence. Then, one day, the gardeners found a book under the old oak tree where Michelle used to spend her time. That book was Michelle’s journal and in it were these words written over and over again.
Can’t you hear me screaming?
Don’t you see these tears that stain my face?
My body has been broken and bruised,
I’m so tired of the human race.
Will anyone notice if I loose this fight?
Does anyone hear these words I pray?
Can’t you hear me screaming?
Can’t you help keep me from fading away.
By the time that journal was found, it was too late. Michelle’s tired and broken body was found in a make-shift forte, where she had been living under the freeway. She was still wearing that red sweat shirt and those old blue jeans. The outline of her body was spray-painted on the cold cement ground where she slept every night. Sad thing is, after just a few short weeks, even that is slowly starting to fade away.
August 1, 2008
If I Only Worked Part Time
I would spend my spare time looking at the world
through the eyes of my four-year-old daughter
and loving my family as a dog would love.
Through my daughters eyes,
I would find visions of rainbows in jars of finger paint
and hunt for nuggets of gold from the sandbox
to help my family buy a house.
I would make masterpieces of play-dough
and stare with awe and wonder
as a seedling grows into bean sprout
I would be home to greet my family as a dog does,
Refreshed, lovingly, and unconditionally.
I would rush to meet them at the door with my tail wagging.
I would curl up with them when they are sad
and lick their faces when they need to laugh.
I would enjoy my life experiences, then apply them at work.
Reminding myself that when things aren't going my way,
I can make my happy ending out of cookie-dough when I get home.
July 26, 2008
Mandy K
July 24, 2008
July 17, 2008
July 1, 2008
Honey Jar
Here is what I give to all my friends who are getting married, not because I'm cheap, but because I believe in symbolism. These items are to remind the reciever of what it would take to stay happily married. I call it a “Honey Jar” because it is filled with love and love truly makes the world a little sweeter. Over the years, I have my own “Honey” jar to which I have added each of these items. Each is symbolic to me and I hope it will be to you as well. Here is what they symbolize:
Film – Both of you should take pictures of the world around you. When you compare photos, instead of criticizing the other for wasting a shot on something you wouldn’t have taken, thank them for opening your eyes to a new way of thinking. These pictures will serve as a reminder that even though you may both be looking at the same thing, you will each have a different perspective and that is what makes life more interesting.
Tape Measure – Because you will both have different perspectives, the tape measure is there to remind you that sometimes you will have to compromise and meet half way.
Paper Clips – To remind you to stick together and support each other in your decisions.
Scissors and Glue – If you are doing something that may be hurtful to your mate, “Cut” it out. Remember, what you take apart you may need to put back together again.
Hi-lighters – To remind you to bring out the best in one another.
Tea Bags – Instead of reacting harshly to something that may bother you, go make some tea. In the time that it takes to steep a cup of tea, you can gather your thoughts and maybe even have a chance to see the other side of the story. Tea also reminds you to take a moment to unwind at the end of each day.
Band-Aids – To remind you to heal wounds while they are fresh. Saying “I’m sorry” is perhaps one of the greatest healer of wounds. Even if you are not the one who caused the hurt, letting your loved one know you care can be a great healer too.
Rubber-bands – To remind you to stay flexible. Both outside and inside forces have a way of taking their toll on relationships. We need to remember to bend and flex from time to time. Relationships are made of give and take.
35 Cents - To remind you to be courteous to one another. If you’re going to be late, call. Don’t make your other half worry needlessly.
Last, but not least, plenty of Hugs and Kisses – Because you should start and end each and every day with a hug, a kiss, and plenty of love.