I started out this morning with the intention of writing a blog about all of the things I am thankful for in my life, but was quickly derailed by my lovely daughter, Amanda, who excitedly asked me to write her list first. I know this may sound crazy, but I swear to you she talks to me all the time. She probably talks to you too, but you don't want anyone to think YOU are crazy so you just check it off as a memory or something Amanda would have said. But I have learned that those voices are not to be denied. Those are visits and Amanda has messages that she wants shared. Messages which turn in to blogs if I am willing to take the time to write them out. I'm going to try and write this one as I'm hearing her say it, so if there is sarcasm or humor, just know that Amanda is OUR daughter and that makes complete sense to me. Here it goes...
The first thing Amanda is grateful for is a loving Father in Heaven. "I know you thought you loved me the most, but He REALLY loves me! Boy am I glad he's forgiving too. I know I wasn't perfect, but He treats me like I am."
I'm grateful that Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for me and for each of you. I may not have understood that very well before, but I know it now. He died so that we could live. Not just as mortal beings, but as spiritual beings when our time on earth was through. He provided a way for our family to always be together. All that stuff they talked about in church makes sense now. "Things that are bound on earth are bound in heaven." That means that even death cant separate us. I can't wait to see my family again one day, but I hope they take their time!
I'm grateful for my family, including all of my extended family. We really are a great family. We love each other... and not in the past tense just because I'm gone from them physically. Everyone always said I was the bond that connected us to one another. Our family is crazy, nutty, and maybe not that normal, but we are a good family and we will always be connected to each other. I love my parents and my sisters. I'm blessed that they are mine.
I LOVE my dogs Spike, Ollie, and Coco. They still make me laugh every day. I know some people think I am gone, but I'm not. I'm right here with you all the time. Which means I can still play with my dogs! I love it when you come over and play with my dogs too.
I am so grateful for all of my friends. Friends that were like sisters and brothers to me. Sometimes we would fight, but that didn't stop us from being friends. I am so proud of how strong they have been. I never meant to hurt anyone. Heck, I didn't really mean to hurt myself. I hope they all know how much they are really, really loved. I know some of you have been going through a really difficult time, but hang in there. I know that doesn't sound right because I left early, but I wouldn't have if I had thought it through and I honestly didn't mean to. Trust me... It will get better. There are great things in store for you. Every time I see one of you go visit with my family or leave them a note, it makes my heart smile. I see how you have helped each other and perfect strangers who needed a smile too and it makes me grateful for each of you. You are all meant to do great things!
I am grateful that my parents found my blog post and shared the message about Choosing the Right. You guys probably would have laughed at me if I went around saying that before, but you get how important those three words can be and you have helped share that message and helped save other kids who needed to hear it. You are the bomb! Keep it going. Don't stop reaching out to others. You are making a difference every single day and I am so proud of you!
I am grateful for every moment I had with each of you. You made my life happy and full. You gave me things to laugh about every day. Thanks for being my family and friends. Thanks for being you. This is my favorite time of the year. Actually, from now until Christmas are my favorite times because it meant we would be spending time with family and I would be getting presents. Hey... what can I say... I love presents! Clothes, shoes, make-up... this is my time of the year! It kind of sucked that my birthday was right before Christmas because my presents were just kind of split up. It didn't help that I picked out all of my own stuff and would sneak in to my moms closet and wear them then put them back again right before my birthday or Christmas. Then on Christmas everything I opened I had already worn so that kind of took the fun out of it. My mom would always sneak me some extra money on the side to make me smile again. Here's what I've learned though... their is so much more to this season than receiving. Given is way better. Give a smile, a hug, an act of service, some kind words, help your mom or dad, or whoever you live with, around the house. Give one of your gifts to someone who has less than you. It will feel great. I promise you.
Anyhow... I've got my own work to do here and I think my mom has her own writing to do. Thanks for being you! I love you guys. Be grateful and love each other. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Live wisely and always Choose the Right!!!
Mama Panda
Manda Panda
Amanda Kellie
Babe (oh yeah... You know who you are - I was your babe)
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