Quote of the Day

September 27, 2008

What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies ~ Aristotle


You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that.

Charlotte, "Charlotte's Web"

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.
Elizabeth Folley
"Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends."
~ Richard Bach

I knew this day would come

For over a year now, I have waited for the moment when the phone would ring and on the other end would be the voice of my dear friend Cece.  I often wonder how she is doing and what she is doing.  I wonder if she feels the loneliness that I feel.

Sometimes I feel jealous of those around me that have taken a chance and have opened up their hearts so that close friends can enter.  I use the word friend with caution, as the meaning I do not take lightly.   I can easily count on one had the people that I have let get that close to me.  

Lara was the first - my best friend from about 9 years old until about 20 years old -  And then I moved away to start a new life.   I felt guilty for not taking Lara with me.  We swore we would always be together.  Our relationship faded because of me.  Because I chose to move on, and then, when she reached out to me, I didn't feel worthy of her friendship.  A bad first marriage left me scarred with thoughts that I wasn't pretty enough or skinny enough.  I know Lara would never judge me, but I judged myself for her.  I had gained weight.  I was embarrassed to have her see me, so I have kept her away.  I think about reaching out to her, but keep saying I need to lose 20 pounds first.  That is so STUPID.  I need to just pick up the phone already!

My husband Rich is another who I have let in to my heart.  He is my lover, my friend, and an amazing father, but that isn't the same as having a close girlfriend.   My friends Minu and Godo are my work friends, who I am close to.   We don't do things together outside of work, but I feel like I can tell them almost anything.  

Cece was the one true friend that I had, outside of work.  She moved to Colorado over a year ago with her husband and kids.  We stopped talking, I didn't really do it by choice, I just didn't know how to get a hold of her.   I felt like she needed me to respect that she needed some time.  I knew that one day she would call again.  Well... at least I hoped and prayed she would.  

Tonight, sitting around the table after having dinner with the missionaries serving in our ward, the phone rang.   Amanda answered it and then looked at me surprised and said, "It's Cece".  I thought my heart leapt from my chest.  As I stepped away to take what turned out to be a 2 1/2 hour call, I knew my prayers had been answered and my friend had been returned to me.  We have a lot of catching up to do... but it seems though time has not passed even a day.  I'm grateful and I'm blessed.

September 21, 2008

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold
Her early leaf's a flower,
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So eden sank to grief.
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Robert Frost

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.
Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." -- Oscar Wilde

"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living." -- Cicero

September 9, 2008

Robbie Dadasovich

I've been thinking about an old friend of mine quite a bit lately. He seems to sneak in to my thoughts when I least expect it, etching his memory gently on my skin. The moist trail touches the corner of my lip, a salty but bitter reminder that his memory is all I have.

Rob Dadasovich was one of my best friends in high school. We met in a world history class. Robbie sat in front of me and spent most of our class time trying to convince me that I should dump my boyfriend and go out with him. Caving in to the pressure and during one of those "breaks" that I had with my boyfriend, I agreed to go out with Rob to the movies. He took me on the most memorable date of my life. Honestly... that is no exaggeration.

The Date...

Rob came to pick me up, but realized he hadn't cashed his paycheck yet. So before we could go to the movies, we had to go to his house and borrow money from his stepdad. Ginny, his mom, gave him such a teasing for that! After borrowing money, we went to the movies and ran in to my boyfriends best friend, right at the moment that Robbie decided to try and hold my hand. Rob decided we needed to go somewhere to "talk" and drove us over to our high school baseball field. He conveniently had a blanket in his car, which he laid neatly over by second base (hoping to reach it most likely!). We laid there under the stars, staring up at the night sky in a city that seemed to small to hold our big dreams, and talked while he held my hand nervously. Right when we started to forget how rocky the night had started, the sprinklers came on sending us running towards the car. As we neared the parking lot, we saw the lights of a police car pulling up to his car, his bright search beam scanning the field for teenagers out past curfew. Like an old pro at evading the police, Rob pushed me under the bleachers where we hid until the cop gave up and drove away. You would think that he would have taken all of this as signs that we weren't meant to be together, but he remained steadfast and undeterred, bravely inviting himself in to my house to again "talk" for awhile. I have to admit, that his kiss caught me off guard. However, not quite as offguard as when my boyfriend showed up at my front door with Rob still sitting on my living room couch. We didn't date again after that, not that Rob didn't try though, he never really gave up the quest. We had an amazing connection, but I felt we were better off as friends. It crushed him I know, but I just couldn't get over one small issue. Robbie was an inexperienced kisser. I had been with my boyfriend for a while and had a little more practice. He used to beg me to "teach" him, but I couldn't get past the initial quick hard probbing that left me feeling like my tongue had been in a sparing match.

We didn't need the kisses to be close though. You know... I don't think my mom is aware that 23 years ago, after she left for work, every summer morning after Rob's waterpolo practice, he would come over to my house and crawl into bed with me and we would sleep. Embraced in each others arms. Me in my t-shirt and panties and him in his tighty whities. Shocking as it sounds, it was so innocent. There was no kissing or romantic privileges, just a quiet connection.
Even after high school, when many of our friends had drifted away, starting out on their new journey, we stayed connected. We spent time together, but nothing like those two summers of our Junior and Senior year. We graduated in 1985. We saw each other 2-3 times a week. He gave up on having me as his girlfriend and met a sweet girl who he started dating. I worked for a Round Table Pizza restaurant and he would come by with his friends to say hi and try and get some free pizza. He came by two nights before the last time I would ever see him.

I remember the day my world changed forever so vividly. As I recall the moment, I can still feel the odd sensation that my chest was tightening - slowly breaking my heart into a million little pieces. The day started off as normal. I was rushing around my apartment trying to get ready for work when my younger sister stops by unannounced. She said she had something serious to talk about and asked me to sit down. My mind immediately raced to my mom who has had a few cancer scares. She tells me that our mother is fine. Then she said "Krissy, Robbie is gone. He died last night."

I stared at my sister with disbelief and heartache. I heard the words she was saying, but I couldn't understand them. Was she telling me that Rob was gone? I had just talked to him two days before, how could he be gone? She told me that Rob had gone fishing with our friend Randy and they decided to drive home late instead of camping out in their car. Rob was driving. Randy, who was drfting in and out of sleep, woke up for a brief moment to click his seatbelt on. Robbie didn't have his on. Rob fell asleep at the wheel and they slammed in to a telephone pole. Robbie died instantly on impact. Randy walked away with some broken ribs and scratches.

I just kept hearing the same words over and over, "Robbie's gone". I didn't know what to do. This was one of my dearest closest friends. I cried softly for a very brief moment and they I stood up and went to work. I think I went to work because I needed some normalcy. Something to keep me distracted from my own thoughts. My general manager, who was like a father figure to me, asked me to come over and sit with him. He knew something was wrong, but didn't know what. I did with him what I couldn't do with my little sister. I let me guard down and my tears fall.

Rob Dadasovich was a blond haired, blue-eyed water polo player. He was extremely proud of his letterman's jacket that he let me wear on cold days. His favorite music group was the Cars. He loved to sing to me "My best friend's girl friend" to remind me that I dated one of his friends and "All I Want Is You" - constantly trying to tell me that I was wrong for staying with my boyfriend and not choosing him. He wore sunglasses ALL the time and wore tighty whities. He taught me how to swim in the deap end of a pool. His family was religious and they even took me to church with them several times. Robbie struggled sometimes with depression, but I don't know if many people know that. We had long talks out in his car. Sometimes he would cry and I would cry with him. One time when he was talking crazy thoughts about suicide and that he didn't think there was really a God, I took him in to talk to my mom who had a life after death experience and had experienced the bright light and the feeling of peace... all that stuff. Then she told him that there was a God and that he loved Rob and that He knew we all struggled, but if we would let Him, God would be there for us. She told Robbie that his parents loved him and that I loved him. Life wouldn't be the same without him. I remember it all... standing in our kitchen. All three of us crying. I think it helped Robbie to know that there is life after death, but that we are all meant to experience life while we are in it.

He knows it now. I know he does. Rob is in a place where he can feel God's love around him all the time. Sometimes I feel like Rob is with me. The tears still fall because I miss him and wish I could have seen the amazing father and husband I know he would have become. But I know we will meet again. When we do, he'll probably be playing a Car's song like "Since You've Been Gone or Just What I Needed".

And just like my mom told him so many years ago... Life hasn't been the same without him.

September 5, 2008

"There are some people who use change to promote their careers.

And then there are those who use their careers to promote change." Sarah Palin

September 3, 2008

another sleepless night

It's another one of those sleepless nights where I toss and turn, debating if I have enough night hours left to take an Ambien. I believe strongly in the power of better living through pharmaceuticals. Anyone with fibromyalgia would tell you they'd rather pop a pill than stand one more freaking moment of this pain. Sometimes my husband teases me and says I'm a drug addict. I'm not. It just looks like I am with all the pills I have to take. There are some, like my fibro pills and my migraine pills that I couldn't live without. I've learned how to function with the meds. At least I'm able to get to work almost every day. There are plenty of days when I want to curl up in a ball and cry, drowning myself in the tears of my own misery, but most days, I try to rise above it. I get through the day by pretending I'm not in some intensely incredible pain. I pretend I'm normal, like the person in the cube sitting on the other side of me. Honestly, right now, it is 2:00 in the morning. Most everyone I know is sound asleep. Recuperating from their long day, preparing the body for the next. I'm sitting here making things worse by not getting any sleep. I have to be up in 5 hours.

Ugh... where are those damn Serta sheep when you need them? Probably won't come here since we have a Select Comfort Sleep Number bed. I have to tell you that I absolutely HATE IT! Sure, it was great when we first got it a couple years ago, but I think it was the novelty of having a remote to control the comfort of your bed. I felt guilty because I could never find just the right number, like it is my fault. Now, my side of the bed doesn't hold the air at the setting I like so I'm constantly waking up to a sunken in air mattress that pushes on ALL my trigger points. I want a temperpedic!

Some brighter news perhaps... enough whining about me. Amanda returned to middle school today to start a new school year as a 7th grader. She grew about an inch and a half over the summer, which just makes her long lean body look even leaner. Amanda says that she has 3 "pretty okay, possibly funny" teachers. She hates that she has to take PE durning 5 period and then still have to go back and face kids for two more classes. Life and puberty can be cruel. We're just going to have to keep testing out new deodorants until we find the one that leaves her smelling rosy after PE. Mandy mentioned that she would like to be more studious this year so we will let her take some of the acting classes and run track like before. We'll see how that goes. I wish her the best! Lauren also started a new semester at Citrus with about 4 classes. She hasn't decided if she wants to play water polo this year, as it conflicts with having a sense of financial freedom through employment. Breanna has signed up for two classes at PCC, and Rich is looking in to taking another on-line class. I'm the only one not in school for the first time in a long time. Just a little over a year ago, I finished my BS in Business - eBusiness.

I need sign up for a masters program, But I get so discouraged when I recall the intense pain I felt because of my fibro, working full time, taking 4-5 classes at a time , and struggling with a serious lack of sleep. My boss has been hitting me up lately about finishing grad school. I know I need to do it. I've just got to talk myself into it, trying desperately, though unconvincingly, to deceive my mind into thinking it won't be so bad again.

I think I'm starting to hallucinate a little... time to try sleep once more. hah. my hands keep trying to type words that are mumbled and jumbled in my mind. Hopefully sleep is near.
Send me you prayers and lullaby songs.

Signing out.... Sleepless Dreamer