Quote of the Day

August 28, 2022

Thank you. From Dave Estrada to Bob O'leary

 Again - back in the 1990's, one of our xray service engineers, Dave Estrada, asked me to write something for one of our senior engineers, Bob O'Leary, who helped train and mentor him. I wrote this and we had it printed and framed for Bob. 

Have I ever thanked you for all you've done for me?
For taking me under your wing, and knowing when to set me free.
You guided me when I needed, but trusted the decisions I made.
You taught me how to set boundaries then showed me some tricks of our trade.
You never hovered above me or told me to do things your way.
Instead, you gave me confidence in knowing your help was only a call away.
You demonstrated how to be a leader and when to follow another's lead.
With skill, knowledge, and understanding, you helped make me a man of your breed.
You gave me a push in the right direction and encouraged me to try and grow.
Now I hold a position like yours and it means more than you'll ever know.
You made it okay to believe in myself and take pride in the work I do.
I've risen higher than I ever expected and I owe so much of me to you.

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